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UNESCO says in its program:

Wars begin in people minds, it is in their minds that we must build peace“.
To obtain this goal of inner serenity, dr. P.M. Rovere has elaborated Teopneutica©.
© by dr. Rovere is an attention exercise on the positive qualities of God to join His project of peace and love.

How to practice?

Breath in a slow and quiet way with the openness and faithfulness of a just born child.

If you believe in God (no matter what religion you belong) think:

Breathing in:
God’s peace flows from me to everybody

Breathing out:
God’s peace flows from everybody to me

Repeat at least three times observing the peace of God flowing between you and all creatures.

God’s Peace can grow as a seed in all creatures (you included).
The heart will be freed from bitterness and bad purposes, making it more human.

If you don’t believe in God, you can say within yourself:

Breathing in:
The peace of the universal harmony flows from me to everybody

Breathing out
The peace of the universal harmony flows from everybody to me
